Distinctive Features of Totapuri Mango and Its MSP Price, A Comprehensive Guide for Farmers

Distinctive Features of Totapuri Mango and Its MSP Price, A Comprehensive Guide for Farmers

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The Totapuri mango, renowned for its unique flavor and distinctive shape, is a popular variety cultivated extensively in India. This mango variety is prized not only for its taste but also for its commercial value. Understanding the distinctive features of the Totapuri mango and its Minimum Support Price (MSP) can help farmers make informed decisions about its cultivation and market potential. This guide delves into the unique characteristics of Totapuri mangoes and provides insights into their MSP price.

Distinctive features of Totapuri mango and its MSP price

Distinctive Features of Totapuri Mango

1. Shape and Size

The Totapuri mango is easily recognizable by its elongated, beak-like shape, which sets it apart from other mango varieties. Typically, it measures between 6 to 8 inches in length and weighs around 300 to 500 grams. The mango has a prominent pointed end, resembling a parrot’s beak, which is why it is often referred to as the "Parrot Beak" mango.

2. Color and Texture

Totapuri mangoes have a smooth, greenish-yellow skin that turns golden yellow when ripe. The skin is thick and resistant to damage, making it ideal for transportation over long distances. The flesh of the Totapuri mango is firm, fibrous, and has a vibrant yellow color. Unlike other mango varieties, it has less pulp, making it suitable for slicing and dicing.

3. Taste and Flavor

Known for its unique taste, Totapuri mangoes have a slightly tangy and less sweet flavor compared to other mango varieties. The taste is a delightful mix of mild sweetness and acidity, making it perfect for use in salads, pickles, and juices. The mango has a distinct aroma that adds to its appeal.

4. Nutritional Value

Totapuri mangoes are rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins A and C, potassium, and dietary fiber. They are low in calories and have numerous health benefits, such as boosting immunity, improving digestion, and promoting healthy skin.

Cultivation and Harvesting

Totapuri mangoes are primarily grown in the southern regions of India, including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. The mango trees thrive in tropical and subtropical climates, requiring well-drained soil and ample sunlight. The trees bloom in January and February, with the fruits maturing and ready for harvest by May to July.

Minimum Support Price (MSP) for Totapuri Mango

The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a crucial aspect for farmers, ensuring that they receive a fair price for their produce. The MSP for Totapuri mangoes varies annually based on factors such as production costs, market demand, and overall yield. For the year 2024, the MSP for Totapuri mangoes has been set at approximately ₹20 per kilogram.

Factors Influencing MSP

  1. Production Costs: The cost of inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, labor, and irrigation significantly impacts the MSP.

  2. Market Demand: High demand for Totapuri mangoes in both domestic and international markets can drive up the MSP.

  3. Yield: The overall yield of Totapuri mangoes in a particular season affects their market price. A higher yield can lead to a lower MSP, while a lower yield can increase the MSP.

  4. Government Policies: Government initiatives and support schemes for mango farmers also play a vital role in determining the MSP.

Economic Impact and Market Potential

Totapuri mangoes have a substantial market potential due to their distinctive taste and versatile use. They are in high demand in the food processing industry for making juices, purees, and pickles. Additionally, their thick skin and firm flesh make them suitable for export, fetching good prices in international markets.


Totapuri mangoes, with their unique features and significant market potential, offer an excellent opportunity for farmers to enhance their income. Understanding the distinctive characteristics of this mango variety and keeping abreast of the MSP can help farmers make informed decisions and maximize their profits. By adopting best cultivation practices and leveraging market opportunities, farmers can ensure a sustainable and profitable future with Totapuri mangoes.

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